Home and School
Wilder Penfield’s Home and School is a group of dedicated volunteers working towards one common goal: Creating fond memories for Wilder Penfield children!
We organize events such as Pizza and Sub Lunches, Frozen Yogurt, Corns Roasts, Terry Fox Run, Halloween Party, Holiday Fair, Run-a-thon, Staff & Daycare Appreciation Week, Movie Night, and other great activities. We can provide the school with funds for the teacher’s wish list, school material and resources as needed.
We are always looking for volunteers and helping hands. Our committee meets once a month on the last Tuesday of every month in the library. These meetings give our volunteers an opportunity to discuss upcoming fundraisers as well as our goals and objectives. We also discuss issues that affect the student body and its community.
The Home and School’s Mission
- Promote the involvement of parents, students, educators and the community at large.
- To create the sense of home within the school for our community
- Coordinate activities for children in order to raise funds for the school.
- Organize community events.
Our fundraising dollars
Our fundraising dollars pay for many resources needed within the school including:
- Theatrical groups and funds to support plays
- Support for field trips
- Free Pizza lunch in September and June
- Staff & Daycare Appreciation
- Funds for Teachers
There is an $18 annual fee for a Home and School membership. This fee includes:
- Mailings, Conference kits and Executive kits
- Support material (brochures on bullying, conflict Struggles at Home, etc.)
- Coordinate activities for children in order to raise funds for the school.
- Parenting Leadership Programs, materials and workshops.
- Two major Conferences per year subsidized by the QFHSA
- Four issues of the QSFA Home and Schools News
- Affiliation fee Canadian Home and School Federation
- The right to vote at our meetings.